Wednesday, September 15, 2010

201007xx02 BF

201007xx02 BF
Originally uploaded by ltbarber
This is a contact sheet. It comes from this stuff called film. Which I happen to be using for my current project. More tk.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

See this face? This is the serious face.

Originally uploaded by ltbarber
Holding a DSLR steady with a giant zoom on the front takes a bit of effort, which has led to some pretty whacky facial expressions over the years. Case in point...was trying to see if the flash was going to fire and ended up with this. Taken at the overlook outside of Williamsport, PA (home of the Little League World Series) on our way back from a weekend in Durham. Good to get some time off and see the family. Also got to have lunch with my photography teacher from high school who was a tremendous inspiration to me. She's recently completed her masters and made some really interesting mixed media work for her thesis. Now back to the grind in Rochester, hopefully should have some work up from the current project soon...